Featured Services
By relying on our know-how and our network of professionals, we are able to provide you with a suite of security services including
Risk assessment | Security architecture design | Security advice and audit | Safety training and awareness | Compliance of regulatory frameworks
What we do
Company security
PRACYB provides professional consulting services to effectively improve the security posture of your business.
What we do
Audit and Advice
Calling on PRACYB makes it possible to mobilize experts able to help you take a step back from your information system.
What we do
Cloud Services and Secure Access
For businesses, security in the cloud is much more complex than for individuals.
Training Programs
Professional training programs to help increase performance and grow your organisation.
We offer services throughout West Africa and through the virtual space channel at competitive prices. We work with the PDCA cycle in all aspects of our services and advice while remaining flexible, responsive and innovative.
Our Partners